Monday, September 28, 2009

IFRS Are Coming

I recently attended the NASBA CPE Expo 2009. Held in San Antonio, Texas this conference had some outstanding programs given by some of the most knowledgeable speakers in the CPE world. Several of these speakers emphasized that IFRS are coming.

As you are aware, the FASB and the IASB have been working on a joint project designed to converge US GAAP, and international accounting standards. The SEC now permits issurers to file with the SEC using IFRS. The AICPA Council has voted to update Rule 203 of the Code of Professional Conduct to recognize the IASB as an international accounting standards setter, so private companies and not-for-profit organizations have an option to decide if following IFRS makes sense in their situations.

Another indication that IFRS is coming is a call from the AICPA Examination Team for volunteers to develop or review questions on IFRS for the CPA exam.

A perusal of IFRS will show you that in some ways, these standards are not all that different from US GAAP. Of course there are some differences. For instance, there is no such thing as LIFO in IFRS. And while US GAAP has a great many standards (now codified in one section of the FASB Codification™) on revenue recognition, IFRS has only two.

If you are not familiar with the FASB and IASB convergence project or IFRS, there's a couple of websites that will help bring you up to speed on this important subject. The AICPA has containing various courses on IFRS as well as news clips on the subject. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) website is On their website you'll be able to access IFRS.

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